DATE AND TIME: Saturday, October 5th, 2024 from 2pm until 4pm.
ABOUT OUR EVENT: At this event we will look for that one special acorn that calls to us and pick it up from the ground after learning how to find them for the scavenger hunt. We will then talk about acorn symbolism and why acorns are not only important to us but also to our ecology. Later, we will hear a story or two involving acorns and discuss what it means to us. Finally, we will learn about some of the power acorns hold and the Magic that accompanies them.
OTHER NOTES: There will be light refreshments during the event, but are encouraged to bring your own for special diets. After the event, maybe some of us can all go to a mom and pop family restaurant for an early dinner. Valley Forge is a fully accessible park. We would have done a Mabon ritual but we will have already done one by the time of the event. Those under 18 must be accompanied by their parents.
EXACT LOCATION: The event will be held at Valley Forge, King of Prussia, PA. You may park in the parking lot by Grand Parade Trail next to the Statue of General Friedrich von Steuben. This parking lot is by the intersection of Valley Forge Park Road, which is Route 23, and N. Inner Line Drive. Bathrooms are located at various places throughout the park. We will celebrate this occasion at the General Friedrich von Steuben picnic area across from the parking lot. If you have any questions about this location you can ask the visitor's center.
COST, ACCESSIBILITY AND COVID-19: This event is FREE w/ the exception of opting in for dinner with us. With the exception of some terrain, Valley Forge is a fully accessible park and has accessible walkways. The terrain is on level ground meaning there are no steep hills to climb to get to where we will be celebrating. Masks are now optional for all events. You will not be judged if you choose to wear one or not.
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